Impact Stories

Many of the Y stories below are made possible through community support. When you give to the Y, 100% of your gift goes to programs and financial assistance for children, families, and individuals in need. Together, we can close the achievement gap, promote healthy lifestyles, and provide life-changing experiences to families. Help transform lives by Donating today.

Dwight Clayton: Peer Support Specialist

As the Resident Peer Specialist at the Central YMCA, Dwight Clayton is critical in helping residents find their way toward a healthier, more stable lifestyle. With a history deeply connected to the Y, Dwight is a living testament to the life-changing impact of the YMCA’s programs.

YMCA Teen Voices Project

Project Voices is a journey into YMCAs across the state of Delaware with the objective to honor youth who are working hard and taking advantage of every opportunity to succeed despite the challenges they face.

Jay Stellenberg

The Livestrong program is very important. If there is any way that it can be supported, please support it. Everyone is there for the same reason. We either had or have cancer. We all were there to exercise, to live longer.

Ben & Sarah

In 2024, more than $330,000 was provided in scholarships to campers at Camp Tockwogh. Each donation helps campers like Ben and Sarah have access to life-changing experiences.

RJ Waiters

In November 2023, RJ moved into the Central YMCA Residence in Wilmington, Delaware, where he continued his journey of growth and independence. The Central YMCA Residence has been a critical stepping stone for RJ as he regains stability.

Matthew Marchiani

Matthew Marchiani has always loved to swim, but he did not have the skills needed to keep him safe around water. At 10 years old, he joined the SWAM (Swimming With Autism) program at the Brandywine YMCA, and has made tremendous strides over the years.

Stan Cuff

Stan Cuff has battled through an array of health issues over the past two decades. After suffering a stroke in October 2021, Stan turned to the Bear-Glasgow Y to help take control of his health. The Y’s staff stepped up to help. Stan enrolled in the YMCAs adaptive fitness program ...

Central YMCA – Y Mission Market

When the Y Mission Market opened in September of 2022, local residents like Curtis Finney were happy to have a place to go when money is tight. “You might come short on supplies or toiletries, and you don’t know which way to turn,” said Curtis. “A lot of people are in doubt or they’re too afraid to ask. This Y is using the donations very well.”

Dover YMCA – CJ Ramirez

In 2021, CJ Ramirez was forced to leave his job due to severe injuries following a car accident. CJ had already been dealing with a variety of pre-existing health conditions including nerve damage, bursitis, and carpal tunnel syndrome. Looking to get his health on track ...

Middletown YMCA – Jessica Frederick

Jessica Frederick’s world changed overnight when her cousin passed away suddenly, and she was given custody of her three children. ...

Camp Tockwogh – Wyatt & Alice

For more than a century, Camp Tockwogh has provided a safe space for kids to learn, make lifelong memories, develop new friendships, and spend time in nature - away from the digital world. For many campers, this is all made possible thanks to financial support through the Open Doors program.

Walnut Street YMCA – Essence Legacy

The Essence Legacy Performing Arts program for youth has provided a safe outlet to area kids since 2016. It’s recently expanded from a Percussion & Drill team, to incorporate Step, Majorette, Color Guard and Cheerleading. A program that started with just 16 participants of drummers and steppers, has grown to 90 performers enrolled within the five groups. ...


Our Mission

To empower youth, foster healthy living, and promote strong communities.