Countdown To Summer Bingo Challenge

Complete the challenge and earn a t-shirt!

How does it work?

  1. Visit your local YMCA, or Virtual Y, at least 20 times between May 1 and June 18, 2023.
  2. Complete the activity BINGO challenge card (download here or pick up at the member services desk). Fill in 3 rows (down, across and/or diagonal).
  3. Pick up your shirt! Once you have visited 20 times and filled 3 rows of your BINGO card, bring the completed card to the member services desk and receive your shirt. Fill in the entire BINGO card and you will be entered to win a free month of membership.

Who can participate?

YMCA of Delaware members of all ages! Virtual Y users are welcome to participate too! Simply keep a daily log of the virtual Y classes you take and submit at your local branch.


Our Mission

To empower youth, foster healthy living, and promote strong communities.

Junior Coats Basketball League

Practice like the pros! In partnership with the Delaware Blue Coats, the YMCA of Delaware is registering for the Junior Coats Basketball League! Spots are filling up quickly for the upcoming season, learn more and sign up here!

Canned Food & Clothing Drive

The Y is stockpiling winter hats, gloves, scarves, winter coats, canned food, and non-perishable food to give back to those in need throughout our communities from November 4th through November 22nd. Learn more here.
