Your Health Matters

During the past few weeks, news about the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has been prevalent in the media. Although the number of confirmed cases in the United States remains low and there are no current cases in Delaware, health issues of this type can generate anxiety, worry and concerns. We want you to know the health and safety of our employees and members are our top priority.

As with any newly emerging infectious disease, knowledge evolves with time and recommendations are changing rapidly. We are closely monitoring information from public health officials and will continue to follow their prevention guidelines to help keep our facilities clean and community safe. We’ve educated our staff and are introducing additional hygiene and cleaning practices with hospital-grade cleaners as an extra precaution.
We encourage all members to follow these best practices to help keep yourself and others healthy:

  • Stay home when you are sick
  • Wash hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands
  • Avoid close contact with people who are ill
  • Cover your mouth and nose when you cough and sneeze
  • Clean and disinfect surfaces frequently touched
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle through proper hydration, diet, rest and exercise

For more information and updates related to the coronavirus, visit the Division of Public Health website at
Thank you for working with us to ensure our YMCA community is safe and welcoming.

Our Mission

To empower youth, foster healthy living, and promote strong communities.


MLK Day Open House

Celebrate MLK Day at the Y! On Monday, January 20th, all YMCA of Delaware locations will be open to the community. Let's honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. by coming together to strengthen our community.

YMCA Beach Party

Get rid of your mid-winter blues and join the YMCA of Delaware for a Beach Party on Friday, January 24th! Members & non-members are welcome to attend this lively evening full of family activities and fun! Learn more here.
