LEAN (Lifelong Essentials for Activity & Nutrition Program)

To sign up, click here to complete an interest form. Or contact the YMCA Community Health department at [email protected].

What is LEAN?

Learn how to eat healthier, move more, and lose weight. No gimmicks, no restrictive approaches — just the tools you need to achieve your wellness goals while keeping you motivated.

Lifelong Essentials for Activity & Nutrition, or LEAN, is a 12-week weight loss program for adults designed to help people seeking a healthier weight achieve their goals by making small, modest changes to their daily behaviors and forming sustainable, healthy habits.

Led by a trained facilitator who creates a safe and supportive environment for all, participants in the program meet in a small group setting for 90 minutes, once per week for 12 weeks. The first portion of each session will be a guided discussions on goal setting, balanced eating, physical activity, stress, mindfulness, and more. Another portion of each session will be a small group training session.



Start DateClass Meeting DayClass Meeting TimeLocation
January 6, 2025Mondays5:30 - 7 p.m.Dover YMCA
January 7, 2025Tuesdays11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.Dover YMCA
January 7, 2025Tuesdays11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.Sussex Family YMCA
January 7, 2025Tuesdays6:30 - 8 p.m.Middletown Family YMCA
January 8, 2025Wednesdays3 - 4:30 p.m.Bear-Glasgow Family YMCA
January 9, 2025Thursdays5:30 - 7 p.m.Central YMCA
January 9, 2025Thursdays6 - 7:30 p.m.Western Family YMCA
January 11, 2025Saturdays10 - 11:30 a.m.Western Family YMCA


  1. 12 weekly, 90-minute sessions that include learning sessions, group discussions, personal check-in and small-group personal training workouts – all with a certified coach
  2. For adults 18 years or older
  3. Provides tools, knowledge and group support to help you develop a nutrition and exercise plan that works for you
  4. YMCA Members: $150

How long is the program and how often does it meet?
This is a 12-week program that meets once per week. Each session is 90 minutes.

How much does it cost?
The cost of the 12-week program is $150 and is available for all YMCA of Delaware members.

What happens during each weekly session?
Each week participants will weigh in, be introduced to a new topic relevant to weight loss, and discuss as a group successes/challenges. Weekly topics will help them develop goals for the upcoming week. Topics covered during the program include nutrition, physical activity, stress, sleep, positive psychology, goal setting, and sustainability.

The second part of each session will feature small group training and group exercise classes. The format and intensity of the group training will vary from session to session, allowing you to experience different exercises and different classes.

During the 12 weeks there will be a special session featuring a trip to a local grocery store!

What can I expect from this program?
This program will introduce participants to behaviors that have been shown to lead to sustained weight loss, and help participants develop those behaviors in ways that fit into their personal lifestyle.

Does the program use a wearable technology or a fitness tracking device?
Wearable technology or fitness trackers are not required, but the Myzone heart rate monitor is encouraged for all participants.  Learn more about Myzone.

Will I receive a personalized nutrition or exercise plan in this program?
Because achieving a healthy weight loss is unique to each person, this program focuses on helping individuals identify ways to make small, modest changes to their behavior within the context of their own life and in support of their healthy weight goals. The tools provided during this program, along with the knowledge and support of the group, are used by participants to develop their own nutrition and exercise plans that work for them.

Will anyone see my weight during weekly weigh-ins?
Participants weigh in weekly during the 12-week program. This will happen in a private location with only the participant and program facilitator present. Once collected, this information is used only in aggregate form to help assess the program’s quality.

Our Mission

To empower youth, foster healthy living, and promote strong communities.