The YMCA of Delaware has swim teams throughout the state. This competitive program offers children and teens an opportunity to work with trained coaches to improve swimming skills, endurance, and promote a healthy lifestyle. Participants build character values through personal improvement, training, goal setting, teamwork, and competition. Teams compete locally, regionally, and nationally. Swimmers progress as participants, role models, and leaders.
Are you interested in trying out for one of our Delaware YMCA swim teams? Please complete the Swim Team Evaluation Request form.
Delaware YMCA Swim Team Registration for the 2024-2025 season will open on Monday, July 29th, 2024 for the following teams:
The 2024-25 season will open for registration on July 29th, 2024.
Academy | 5-12 years of age
• Offered at Bear-Glasgow, Brandywine, Dover, Sussex, Western.
• Our Academy emphasis is on developing the fundamentals of the strokes, starts, and turns.
• Swimmers must be able to swim 25 yards of freestyle and one other competitive stroke, unassisted.
Bronze | 6-12 years of age
• Offered at Bear-Glasgow, Brandywine, Dover, Sussex, Western.
• Our Bronze level is designed for 12 & under swimmers who have expressed interest in taking on a greater commitment to the Swim Team.
Sportsmanship & Conditioning are emphasized and goal setting is introduced.
• Swimmers must be able to swim 50 yards50 yards of freestyle. In addition, swimmers must be able to swim one other competitive legal stroke while being reasonably proficient with two other legal strokes.
Silver | 7-12 years of age
• Offered at Brandywine, Sussex, Western
• Our Silver level is designed for 12 & under swimmers who will be actively engaged in understanding all aspects of their training plans, including aerobic training, mental preparedness, and stroke refinement.
• Swimmers must be able to swim 100 yards of freestyle. In addition, swimmers must be able to swim three legal strokes while being reasonably proficient in the fourth legal stroke. Swimmers are expected to perform streamlines and flip-turns consistently through practices and competitions.
Gold | 9-14 years of age
• Offered at Brandywine, Sussex, Western
• Our Gold level is designed for 9 & over swimmers whose primary focus is to refine stroke mechanics and promote competition readiness.
• Swimmers will have the opportunity to engage in volunteer projects and strengthen community connections.
• Swimmers must be able to swim a legal 100 IM and a continuous 200-yard freestyle with flip turns.
• Swimmers in this group are expected to demonstrate the ability to train at a consistent level, predetermined by the head coach of the program. Swimmers in this level will be expected to focus on instruction for 90 minutes.
Platinum | 11-18 years of age
• Offered at Brandywine, Sussex, Western
• Our Platinum level is designed for 11 & over swimmers who will focus on stroke technique refinement while highlighting the importance of general body strengthening.
• Competition readiness, including nutritional tips to optimize athlete performance will be made available to our Platinum level swimmers.
• Swimmers must be able to swim a legal 200 IM and continuous 500-yard freestyle as well. Swimmers at this level are expected to demonstrate the ability to train at a consistent level, predetermined by the head coach of the program.
Junior National | 13-18 years of age
• Offered at Brandywine, Sussex, Western
• Invitation Group Only.
• Our Junior National level is designed for 13 & over swimmers who will focus on race strategy, training intensity, stroke mechanic refinement, and social responsibility.
• Athletes will participate in the Togetherhood project and involvement in the swim team peer-peer mentoring program is highly encouraged.
• Swimmers must be fully committed to their swimming journey and their engagement in the team’s philosophy and beyond.
• Swimmers at this level are expected to demonstrate the ability to train at a consistent level, predetermined by the head coach of the program.
National | 14-18 years of age
• Offered at Sussex, Western
• Invitation Only Group.
• Our National Level is designed for 14 & over swimmers who will create their own “Code of Conduct” and appropriate practice attendance requirements.
• National level swimmers will lead Togetherhood projects and direct involvement in the swim team peer-to-peer mentoring program is expected.
• Swimmers at this level are expected to demonstrate the ability to train at a consistent level, predetermined by the head coach.
• Swim Team is a year-round program. Families can do a one-time YMCA swim team registration and swim through July!
• Swimmers can withdraw at any point in the swim season provided a withdrawal request form is completed by 20th of the month, to avoid the draft of the 1st of the following month.
• Any withdrawal submitted by the 20th, will be effective for the following month. A swimmer may continue to swim through the end of the month paid for. No refund or credit will be issued.
• The 2024-25 season will begin on Monday September 9th, 2024, but registration will remain open. Swimmers may join the program at any time provided there is space in the practice group.
• Swim team registration fee of $60 per swimmer (cost covers t-shirt and swim cap) and first month draft is due at the time of registration, thereafter dues will draft beginning on the 1st of the following month. Registration fee only applies to our competitive teams at Brandywine, Western, and Sussex.
• Swimmers must have an active YMCA of Delaware membership while enrolled in the swim team.
• New for 2024-25: Children ages 6-11 may purchase a Swim Team Only Youth Membership. Details are available at the membership desk of your branch. This membership can only be accessed if you are swimming on our competitive teams at Brandywine, Western, or Sussex.
• USA Swimming Membership is recommended for swimmers in the Silver, Gold, Platinum, Junior National, and National practice groups.
If you have any questions about the above information, please contact Clark Bickling our Swim Team Registrar.